We did it! Yesterday, on the occasion of the 25th of November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we launched our first Release – SEU GRITO
It is a choral and feminine piece addressing the themes of gender violence and femicide, a tribute to the Afro-Brazilian cultural roots, composed by Aurinha do Coco.
We share a beautiful collaboration in this version of Seu GRITO, featuring the percussion and the powerful voice of @jabumorales and a lot more of wonderful artists from all over the world:
Jabu Morales voice, xequere, alfaia
Méli Huart: atabaconga
Choir: Neya Castro, Margherita Lavosi, Cristina Clara, Marta Freitas, Héléna Fontaine, Elena Policki, Lala Tamar
Spoken Word: Badi Assad, Sara Alhinho, Neya Castro
“Aurinha, rainha do coco, mulher que em tuas veias corriam lembranças dos contos grios e da travessia negra. Vibravam em teus pés as batidas do ilû e do ganzá. Seu grito ecoou para as mulheres de Olinda e também para todas nós, que sofremos o peso do patriarcado e da violência de gênero. Que este canto de denúncia e revolta reverbere pelo mundo, por mais igualdade e sem violência. Salve Aurinha, salve a rainha, salve o samba de coco, e salve a cultura afro-brasileira.” Elena La Conte
Recording and Mixing: Rui Filipe, Studio Barqueiro de Oz, Lisbon
Mastering: Juan García
Production: Faya
Graphic Design: Oficina Fritta/ Julia Geiger, based on fotos by: Guilherme Gouveia.
Lyric Video: Kristina Van de Sand

FAYA – In English, this word evokes fire, heat and power. In Portuguese, the “faia” is the beech tree, and in the Ligurian tradition it stands for a mystical figure, a fairy of the forest. The FAYA trio combines these associations between female energy, earthiness and ephemere magic in their compositions and a fascinating stage show. The three musicians Elena, Mili and Kristina originally come from Italy, Spain and Germany, but met in Lisbon and founded the FAYA trio. Violin, flute, guitar, percussion and three-part vocals – the FAYA trio has found its very own sound. In this meeting of strings, wind instruments and vocals, they discover their joy in merging different world music styles with their own musical influences. Their concerts are journeys through different universes, inspired by traditional styles such as Venezuelan polo, classical Indian music or the Italian tarantella. The audience is taken on a musical journey of discovery – to the obvious delight of all involved. Whether the songs celebrate life, are politically activist or longingly trace an old love, the basic tone of the trio always remains hopeful. Because FAYA makes music that aims to connect people and to make them curious about the world with its wonderful diversity
In September 2019, FAYA were honored as WINNER OF THE CREOLE WORLD MUSIC AWARD in Berlin: “This band showed a varied playing style, high musicality, original instrumentation, beautiful communication with the audience, lively performance and great joy of playing.”
Since September ’22 the Band is collaborating with the Booking Agency Hauptmann Entertainment (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
25/4 CAPE Ettelbrück (LUX) | 19h00
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